
Meeting Room 35 Uxbridge Road, Auckland, New Zealand

屏幕背后的故事 - 部电影的今生前世 有没有兴趣了解一部电影是如何从策划,拍摄,制作到走进影院的?本月,有请金奖导演邹亚林先生! 日期:  周六2月22号 时间: 上午10 -12点 地点:Uxbridge 艺术中心 - 35 Uxbridge Rd. Mellons Bay 以上讲座为免费入场,但场地有限,请预先报名。 报名请登入 www.uxbridge.org.nz 或致电 (09) 535 6467 ext.8 PLEASE NOTE:  The Chinese Community Workshops (CCW) are presented in Mandarin with no translation to English.

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Meeting Room 35 Uxbridge Road, Auckland, New Zealand

报税和理财 又是一年报税季,你准备好了吗?本月,有请会计师和理财顾问们! 日期: 周六3月1号 时间: 上午10 -12点 地点:Uxbridge 艺术中心 - 35 Uxbridge Rd. Mellons Bay 以上讲座为免费入场,但场地有限,请预先报名。 报名请登入 www.uxbridge.org.nz 或致电 (09) 535 6467 ext.8 PLEASE NOTE:  The Chinese Community Workshops (CCW) are presented in Mandarin with no translation to English.

Get Tickets Free 16 tickets left


Meeting Room 35 Uxbridge Road, Auckland, New Zealand

插花沙龙 院子里的花花草草,厨房里的瓶瓶罐罐,如何握成一束心头好,来和秋天赴个约会?本月,有请花艺师Emily Zeng! 日期:  周六4月5号 时间: 上午10 -12点 地点:Uxbridge 艺术中心 - 35 Uxbridge Rd. Mellons Bay 以上讲座为免费入场,但场地有限,请预先报名。 报名请登入 www.uxbridge.org.nz 或致电 (09) 535 6467 ext.8 PLEASE NOTE:  The Chinese Community Workshops (CCW) are presented in Mandarin with no translation to English.

Get Tickets Free 12 tickets left

Granny Square Crochet

Meeting Room 35 Uxbridge Road, Auckland, New Zealand

Join avid crocheter Portia in this Granny Square Crochet workshop and learn the basics of crochet by making your first Granny Squares! Granny squares got their name as this used to be how ‘Granny” made a quick and simple crocheted blanket. In more recent times, creatives, including Portia have reshaped and modernised the items that can […]

Get Tickets $78.00 12 tickets left


Meeting Room 35 Uxbridge Road, Auckland, New Zealand

咖啡制作和品鉴 让我们一起来打一杯香浓美味的咖啡吧!本月,有请金牌咖啡烘培师,拉花大赛评委Ken Shi! 日期:  周六5月10号 时间: 上午10 -12点 地点:Uxbridge 艺术中心 - 35 Uxbridge Rd. Mellons Bay 以上讲座为免费入场,但场地有限,请预先报名。 报名请登入 www.uxbridge.org.nz 或致电 (09) 535 6467 ext.8 PLEASE NOTE:  The Chinese Community Workshops (CCW) are presented in Mandarin with no translation to English.

Get Tickets Free 7 tickets left

Life Drawing

Meeting Room 35 Uxbridge Road, Auckland, New Zealand

Life Drawing Workshop with renowned artist Zarahn Southon – Hone your skills with expert guidance! Refine your observational skills and elevate your figure drawing in this immersive life drawing workshop with renowned artist Zarahn Southon. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, this workshop provides expert guidance to help you capture the human form […]

Get Tickets $180.00 14 tickets left


Meeting Room 35 Uxbridge Road, Auckland, New Zealand

茶韵 有没有兴趣了解茶的分类,保存,容器,和冲泡?本月,有请茶艺师 Emma Tan! 日期: 周六6月14号 时间: 上午10 -12点 地点:Uxbridge 艺术中心 - 35 Uxbridge Rd. Mellons Bay 以上讲座为免费入场,但场地有限,请预先报名。 报名请登入 www.uxbridge.org.nz 或致电 (09) 535 6467 ext.8 PLEASE NOTE:  The Chinese Community Workshops (CCW) are presented in Mandarin with no translation to English.

Get Tickets Free 15 tickets left

Granny Square Crochet

Meeting Room 35 Uxbridge Road, Auckland, New Zealand

Join avid crocheter Portia in this Granny Square Crochet workshop and learn the basics of crochet by making your first Granny Squares! Granny squares got their name as this used to be how ‘Granny” made a quick and simple crocheted blanket. In more recent times, creatives, including Portia have reshaped and modernised the items that can […]

Get Tickets $78.00 15 tickets left

Life Drawing

Meeting Room 35 Uxbridge Road, Auckland, New Zealand

Life Drawing Workshop with renowned artist Zarahn Southon – Hone your skills with expert guidance! Refine your observational skills and elevate your figure drawing in this immersive life drawing workshop with renowned artist Zarahn Southon. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, this workshop provides expert guidance to help you capture the human form […]

Get Tickets $180.00 14 tickets left