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Support Us

Ways to Make A Difference

  • Monthly Automatic Payments
  • Setting up an Endowment Fund whereby UXBRIDGE can benefit from the interest
  • One-off donations
  • A bequest in your will
  • Through volunteering a skill, service, product or time

UXBRIDGE welcomes donations and bequests to ensure that our invaluable service to the local and wider community will remain for future generations to enjoy.

Your donation and/or bequest will:

Ensure UXBRIDGE remains financially sustainable for future generations to enjoy;
Ensure we can continue to provide a leading edge arts and cultural facility to the community of East Auckland.
Your donation will be used to keep art and culture alive in our community and will be put towards:

  • Capital Projects – Major items of expenditure on equipment or improvements to facilities
  • Operational Costs – Support for day-to-day expenditure


We’ve set up an easy link for your donation which offers some preset options.
exhbition photo of postcards and mail hung from ceiling by strings

If you would like to find out more about how you can contribute to the UXBRIDGE community, please contact our Centre Director, Paul Brobbel, using the following contact form. Or phone him on +64 9 535 6467 (Option 5).