Belly Dancing Beginners is graceful dance moves performed with confidence. We’ll use a combination of music, exercise, and your unique feminine beauty to help lift your mood. It is one of the most expressive dance forms that includes delightful movements of the torso. Belly Dancing Beginners improves co-ordination, strength & stability, flexibility, and muscle tone. […]
屏幕背后的故事 - 部电影的今生前世 有没有兴趣了解一部电影是如何从策划,拍摄,制作到走进影院的?本月,有请金奖导演邹亚林先生! 日期: 周六2月22号 时间: 上午10 -12点 地点:Uxbridge 艺术中心 - 35 Uxbridge Rd. Mellons Bay 以上讲座为免费入场,但场地有限,请预先报名。 报名请登入 或致电 (09) 535 6467 ext.8 PLEASE NOTE: The Chinese Community Workshops (CCW) are presented in Mandarin with no translation to English.
Join our Belly Dancing Intermediate and learn graceful dance moves performed with confidence. We’ll use a combination of music, exercise, and your unique feminine beauty to help lift your mood. It is one of the most expressive dance forms that includes delightful movements of the torso. Belly Dancing improves co-ordination, strength & stability, flexibility, and […]