East Auckland Embroiderers Guild (EAEG) is an incorporated society and a member of the Association of New Zealand Embroiders Guild (ANZEG). It was formed in 2004 and has a current membership of 60 meeting twice each month – one day meeting and one evening meeting. ANZEG’s overall aim is to encourage embroidery in all its forms, innovation in design, and excellence in stitching. The members of EAEG fulfil this aim, being involved in a wide range of embroidery techniques ranging from very old traditional forms of stitching from around the world through to modern creations and multi-media projects. Workshops are often held at meetings to teach new skills, utilising both guild members and outside tutors. In addition to this, members can attend regional and national workshops run by both excellent local and international tutors – some with training such as the Royal School of Needlework.
Members are encouraged to try a diversity of embroidery techniques and to also create their own designs which then get transformed into a unique finished item. The resulting projects cover a vast range including stitched art for hanging, ornaments, cushions and table mats etc. These works of art are of an extremely high quality, with some members receiving recognition awards at regional and national exhibitions.
EAEG has run an exhibition open to the public every two years since its inception and has been pleased to be able to share this age-old craft, keeping these traditional skills alive and continues to inspire new and younger members in their embroidery.